ইংরেজি লেকচার-০৬


পূর্নমানঃ ২০ <<>> সময়ঃ ১২ মিনিট

1 / 20

1. If you lose your credit card,  ---------- .

2 / 20

2. The accused person confessed that he ------- the car.

3 / 20

3. I had (have) my meal before you came.

4 / 20

4. What ---------- last night?

5 / 20

5. English ---------- across the word.

6 / 20

6. I have ---------- my lunch.

7 / 20

7. I waited for my friend until he ---------- .

8 / 20

8. Did you see her ---------- towards you?

9 / 20

9. Scientists ---------- a new planet.

10 / 20

10. He mentioned that he ---------- in my room the previous day.

11 / 20

11. It’s no use of ---------- about it

12 / 20

12. She (to form) quite a picture of Bangladesh before she read his travel book.

13 / 20

13. The past participle form of the verb ‘Flow’ is-

14 / 20

14. Which one is a correct sentence?

15 / 20

15. The letter---------- a year ago.

16 / 20

16. My roommate has the photo of a famous cricket player ---------- on a wall.

17 / 20

17. I heard some strange noises ---------- the night.

18 / 20

18. I heard the little boy ---------- .

19 / 20

19. She told that she (visit) London next month.

20 / 20

20. Power tools require careful handling --------- injuries.

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